Statutes of the Finnish Arbitration Association

1 §

The name of the association is Suomen välimiesoikeusyhdistys – Skiljedomsrättsliga föreningen i Finland r.y. In English, the name of the association is the Finnish Arbitration Association, in German Finnische Vereinigung für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit and in French L'Association finlandaise de l'arbitrage.

2 §

The domicile of the association is Helsinki.

3 §

The purpose of the association is to promote the practise of Finnish arbitration and its recognition in Finland and abroad as well as to promote arbitration and its development on an international level. The association fulfils its purpose by maintaining contacts with national and international arbitration associations and organisations, by promoting research and information distribution concerning arbitration and by organising symposia and training events. Whenever possible, the association may also provide assistance in the handling of practical arbitration tasks.

4 §

The board of directors may accept as members to the association private persons interested in the purposes of the association as well as companies and organisations with legal capacity.

The members must pay the membership fee, the amount of which is set on an annual basis by the annual meeting of the association. The fee can be set at different levels for private persons as opposed to companies and organisations.

5 §

Association matters shall be handled by the board of directors, comprising the chair as well as at least three and at most six members.

The board of directors may appoint as officers board members or other persons.

The board of directors may decide on the dismissal of members of the association who have not paid the membership fee.

6 §

The association's name is signed by the chair acting alone, or by two members of the board acting together.

7 §

The annual meeting of the association shall be held every year before the end of March on a date determined by the board. An invitation to the meetings of the association shall be sent to each member of the association in writing no later than a week before said meeting.

8 §

In the annual meeting of the association, the following matters shall be discussed:

  1. Calling the meeting to order
  2. Presenting the report of the board of directors, the financial statements and the auditors' report
  3. Deciding on the adoption of the annual accounts and the discharge from liability of the board and other answerable persons
  4. Determining the amounts of the membership fees
  5. Appointing the chair and other board members
  6. Appointing an auditor and two deputy auditors
  7. Other matters referred to in the notice to convene the meeting

9 §

The financial period of the association is the calendar year. The financial statements along with necessary documents as well as the report of the board of directors must be submitted to the auditors two weeks before the annual meeting at the latest. Auditors must present their statement to the board of directors of the association concerning the accounts and management of the association in good time before the annual meeting.

10 §

If the association has been requested to appoint an arbitrator without mentioning which person or persons belonging to the association shall appoint said arbitrator, the chair shall appoint the arbitrator. If necessary, the chair shall consult the other board members prior to the appointment.

11 §

If the association is dissolved, the assets of the association shall be used for the promotion of the purpose of the association in the manner determined by the meeting that decided on the dissolving of the association.


Attorney Valle-Veikko Eronen, Secretary
c/o Krogerus Attorneys Ltd
Fabianinkatu 9, 00130 Helsinki
Phone: +358 (0)29 000 6626 


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